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free download Wo chup rahe From Jahan Ara 1964

Song Title : Wo Chup Rahe
Movie/Album Name: JAHAN ARA


wo chup rahe to mere dil ke daaga jalate hain
jo baat kar le to buzate chiraaga jalate hain

kaho buze ke jale
hum apanee raah chale, yaa tumhaaree raah chale
buze to ayese ke jaise kisee gareeb kaa dil
jale to ayese ke jaise chiraaga jalate hain

ye khoyee khoyee najar
kabhee to hogee idhar yaa sadaa rahegee udhar
udhar to yek sulagataa huaa hain wiraanaa
magar idhar to bahaaron mein baag jalate hain

jo ashk pee bhee liye, jo honthh see bhee liye
do sitam ye kis pe kiye
kuchh aaj apanee sunaao, kuchh aaj meree suno
khaamoshiyon se to dil aaur dimaaga jalate hain

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